LPCN 1144

Changing the Treatment of NASH

Finding A Solution to Fatty Liver Diseases

Team of Research Scientists Working With Personal Computer, Anal

Targeted For Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH)

LPCN 1144, an oral prodrug of bioidentical testosterone, is being developed as a treatment for pre-cirrhotic non-alcoholic steatohepatitis ("NASH") and recently completed a Phase 2 paired biopsy NASH confirmed clinical study.

Rationale to Target Non-Cirrhotic Male NASH Patients
Rationale to Target Non-Cirrhotic Male NASH Patients
Association Between Testosterone and Liver Disease
Association Between Testosterone and Liver Disease
Clinical Evidence of Association Between Testosterone and Liver Disease
Clinical Evidence of Association Between Testosterone and Liver Disease
LPCN 1144: Androgen Receptor Agonist
LPCN 1144:  Androgen Receptor Agonist
LPCN 1144: A Differentiated NASH Treatment Candidate
LPCN 1144: A Differentiated NASH Treatment Candidate
LPCN 1144 Phase 2 LiFT Study
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LCPN 1144 Phase 2 Study Results
LFS was an open-label, multi-center single-arm 16-week study (N=36) with LPCN 1144 in hypogonadal males
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*LF = Liver Fat

Meaningful Relative Liver Fat % Change and Responder Rate
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* Responder rate for relative change is % of patients with at least 30% for relative change from baseline. 

Liver Fat-Based Subject Distribution at Each Visit
Longer Therapy Improved Proportion of Subjects with Disease Resolution
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